Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sherri Schafer

Location: Old town San Dimas, California

Age: Proud Babyboomer

QuestionHow long have you been writing?

   About 3 years.

Question:  What was the name of the first book you ever published, and when was it published?

   "Stuck in a Shell Hole" and it was published in late 2014'.

Question:  Was this book published by a publisher; or did you self-publish?

   It was Self-Published.

Question:  Tell our readers about this very first book.  (For example:  What was the inspiration for writing it, and what was it about)?

   The two most important lessons I have learned come from my children; to always recognize the positive in others and to never give up because I am their role model.  So part of my bucket list was to share my passion for creating simple praise and fun movements with the world. The book is an uncommon and engaging “go to guide” to creating the ideal work environment using the amazing power of Woo Hoo! It is targeted to managers who not only want to be good at their jobs, but have fun doing so.  A frustrated employee may even want to consider making an anonymous gift of it.

Question:  Can a person still buy this book?  If so, where?  

   It can be purchased on itunes (animated) and also on Amazon.

Question:  How many total books have you published?

   This is my first book ever published.

Question:  Any future writing projects in the works?  If so, tell us about it, and any pertinent dates to go with it.

   Stuck in the Back Shack”, which will be a book on how to engage remote workers who work from home.

Last question, if someone comes across this article and reads it, what would you like to tell them about why you think they should try reading your book or books?

If you have ever pondered any of these questions then you should grab a copy of this book:

  •   If studies show that once a week recognition makes for happy and engaged workers, then why aren’t more managers recognizing employees in simple and thoughtful ways?
  •  Why are GEN Y (millenial) employees unhappy and basically walking off job sites when they are making a good salary?
  • Why isn’t FUN a common core value for companies if it makes peeps want to come to work?
  • Why can’t office cubicles be colorful instead of grey?  Is grey even a color?

Anything else you'd like to add that I didn't ask you, but you would like to share with our readers?

   Warning: Characters like Mr. Grump Ass Coffee mug hang out in this book so it includes a few expletives.   

BLOG WRITER'S NOTE TO AUTHOR: Your book sounds like a winner.  It seems like today more employer's should probably read this sort of book.  Your future writing project also sounds like something I would be interested in reading since I work at home.  Thanks for the interview, and good luck with your writing.

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